On July 1, 2016, Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management (PRISM) launched a captive insurance company, Affiliate Risk Captive (ARC). ARC is a pure captive, meaning it is 100% owned by PRISM and only takes on the risk of its parent organization. The Captive insures coverage program specific corridor risks; conceptually, a 100% transfer of risk at certain layers, much as the coverage program would cede this risk to a reinsurer. The transfer of risk offers short term gains to the ceding program, and long term gains to PRISM and its members as a whole.
ARC acts only in the best interest and for the benefit of PRISM and/or its members. ARC does this by:
1. Accepting PRISM's transfer of risk from various coverage programs;
2. Providing PRISM access to an enhanced investment program; and
3. Continuing to enhance ARC's risk transfer mechanism when multiple programs' risk are comingled.
Wed / Oct 18
At the Strategic Planning session held on Sunday, October 15, 2017, the EIO Board created a mission statement and discussed other EIO goals.
Mon / Feb 13
The CSAC Excess Insurance Authority (EIA) has formed a captive insurance company, Excess Insurance Organization, Inc. (EIO) which began operations July 1, 2016. The formation was over a year in the making, and has been established to provide both short and long term objectives for the EIA.
ARC has been established to provide both short and long term objectives for PRISM including:
Additionally, in 2022 at their strategic planning meeting, the group arrived at creating the following four one-year goals:
ARC is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board is made up of current PRISM Board, Committee, and staff members along with PRISM General Counsel and Utah Counsel, and they are:
Vice President
Board Member
Board Member
Retired/Outside Individual
Like its parent company, ARC strives to operate in a manner that is transparent. Although captive insurance companies are not subject to regulations such as the Brown Act, it is important to the members of PRISM to have full knowledge of the activities of ARC, and as such, PRISM staff will provide full disclosure to its members and the public.
You can also reach us by calling 916-850-7300. Thanks!